العلاقات التجارية والاقتصادية بين قطر والمملكة المتحدة p.2

FCO 8/2085 الخامس عشر من فبراير 1972 إلى الحادي والثلاثين من ديسمبر 1973




18 December 1973

A D Harris Esq.
Middle East Department
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
London SW1

Dess Tour

Thank you for your letter of 4 December about gifts
for the Qatar Museum.

I have discussed the suggestions in paragraph 4 of your
letter with Butts. He would welcome all of the titles
mentioned. He thought a Koran would not be necessary now
since they have found some good editions themselves but the
illuminated manuscripts would be most welcome. In
addition to the books mentioned we think that a copy
of Bertram Thomas (who stayed in Qatar at the house of the
Minister of Health following his crossing of the Rub
al Khali) and possibly Elizabeth Monroe's new bookePhilby
would be acceptable. Butts was devoid of other ideas but
suggested that you might speak again to Michael Rice in
case he had any particular thoughts.

Although the Qataris have translated Lorimer we
still think that a set of Lorimer would be worth giving.
This together with the other titles would, we think,make a
very nice package.

There is one further thought. The Museum will have
a maritime section and if it were possible to get a model
of an early British India steamer or even an earlier
East Indian-man this would also be appreciated.

RD Gordon