امتياز نفط الفجيرة p.2

FO 1016/848 1966/01/01 - 1966/12/31

H.M. Political Residency,


December, 1966.


Please refer to Martin Buckmaster's letter 1538/66C
of 1 December about operating limits for the Bomin
concession in Fujairah.

2. The exercise is distinctly complica ted; but there is
evidently no particular difficulty offshore, and onshore
the criteria set out at the beginning of para 3 seem to
me souma (Only Martin en uicidate whether the point
make in Michael Weston's letter BT 1081/28 of 16 December
makes any difference.)

3. My suggestion for the next step is that Martin should
mark the proposed on-shore line on a copy of the Research
Department map of the States and send it to Michael Weston
to get the off-shore median lines added by the cartographer
based on the coastal points set out in para 2. The resulting
map of the concession's operative limits can then, if
Michael Weston agrees, be reproduced in London and a copy
be given by you to both the concessionary and the Ruler

4. It would perhaps be as well to describe the principles
being followed on-shore to the Ruler, in case he has any
violently conflicting ideas, before initiating the action
in para 3 above.

5. I enclose a copy of this letter for Martin Buckmaster
and am sending two copies to Michael Weston in Arabian Dept.



D. A. Roberts, Esq.,

H.M. Political Agent,