RESTRICTED Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeLondon SW1 RECEIVED INREGISTRY No 3531 DEC 1973 Telephone 01 INBM 25/2 Your reference Donald Hawley, Esq CMG MBEBritish EmbassyMUSCAT Our reference txs/Oman/PP Date 21 December 1973 1. We have drawn the attention of the DOE toyour telegram 607 and I attach a copy of myletter to Blaxall. 2. We are very conscious of the reciprocitypoint, and I attach a copy of another letter Isent to Blaxall in November SW F MartinProtocol & Conference Dept. cc: Mr Crawford (Acc. & Services) Mr Wright (MED) RESTRICTED w Pun 1912 Thr-Chithin pa.