Popular Front for Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf (PFLOAG) p.12

FCO 8/2031 1973 Jan 01 - 1973 Dec 31


The puppet regine in Muscat is extending all facilities to the
-ericans in this crea. This new riove by the inericon flect cones
following the recent battles waged by the Arab forces against the
Mionist enery and at a tine in which the lorob forces inpose a noval
siece around Isr el in the Red Sea, and at a tine in which the rab
oil-producing countries announced the suspension of oil to the
United States of merica as a result of its completuly hostile
attitude and support and stand by the side of the “ionist eneny.

The Pe ple's Front for the Liberation of Onan and the Arabian
Gulf announced and warned more than once against such noves by the
Derican Seventh Fleet and its continuous threat to pecco in this
ares and great troitorous role carried out by the puppet Sultanate
in this connection. It also affirmed its complete rejection of the
american presence in the Indian Ocean and its resentment over its
crihinal nenoucvr s and its conderination of the facilities extended by
the puppet reçine in Muscat and Bahrain to the umerican fleets through
the British bases scattered in Oman and the rabian Gulf arca,



The peoples of the friendly U.S.S. R. celebrated the 56th anniversary
of the Great Socialist Revolution of October which declare the birth
of tile first socialist revolutionin the world. The masses of our
people share the peoples of the friendly Soviet Union celebrations on
this great occasion. The Central Executive Cormittee of the People's
Front for the Liberation of Orian and the Arabian Gulf sent a message of
greetings to the Political Bureau of the Soviet "omunist Party on this
occasion, he gessage reads: 
"The Political Bureau of the Soviet Corrunist Party, Moscow.

The Central Executive Connittee of the People's Front for the
Liberation of Orian and the irabian Gulf is pleased to extend to you
its warn felicitationson the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the
Great October Revolution and to express to the Soviet Communist Party
and the friendly Soviet peoples extreme admiration for the accomplish mients realised throughout the past years. The Great October Revolution
was a start for a new stage in the history of the militant aankind
fighting against capitalist exploitation and enslovement. It gave
under the lecdership of the Party of Lenin wonderful examples in
heroism and confrontati n of the conspiracies of the imperialists
and their criminal wars. Through its triumphant combative procession,
the Great October Revolution stood by the side of the national liberation
forces and moves and the forces of peace and progress in the world and
extended every help and support consolidating by that the cohesion
between the national liber tion movements and the Socialist Community.
The rab n tiohal liberation movement secured support and backing
from the friendly Soviet Union and shared in apprehending the
imperialists and ionists who want to obstruct the processions of
the rob revolution and continuction of their control and jooting of
irab nation.

"The Soviet Union stood by the side of the rabs in their battle
of destiny against the zionist occupation and the imperialist interfer ence and stood by the side of the armed Palestinian resistance and
the right of the Palestinian people for their legitimate rights